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The Encryption Technology In Fiscal Cash Register

2023-04-20 10:41:11

Encryption is a special algorithm to change the original information data, so that even if the unauthorized user has obtained the encrypted information, but because they do not know the decryption method, still cannot understand the real content of the information.

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Encryption technology is the most commonly used security method, using technical means to transform important data into garbled code (encryption) transmission, after arriving at the destination and then using the same or different method to restore (decryption). Encryption technology consists of two elements: algorithm and key. Algorithm is a step that combines common information or understandable information with a string of numbers (key) to produce incomprehensible cipher text. Key is an algorithm used to encode and decrypt data. In security and secrecy, proper encryption technology and management mechanism can be used to ensure the information communication security of fiscal electronic cash register.

Why the encryption is secure? Because encryption key is absolutely hidden, now popular RSA and AES encryption algorithms are completely open, a party has been encrypted data, even if you know the encryption algorithm, if there is no encryption key, can not open the encrypted protection of information.

Encryption can be used to ensure security, but other techniques are still necessary to ensure the security of communications, especially regarding data integrity and information verification, such as message verification codes (MAC) or digital signatures.

As a tax-controlled cash register (fiscal cash register), it must have a safe and reliable communication network to ensure the security of transaction information and complete data transmission to the official committee server to guarantee the authenticity of transaction.

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